Access an existing server from a c++ application
Posted Date Unknown Charles Sunny 1 Comment

Is it possible to access an existing (websocket implementation running on node.js) server from a c++ application. There is support for websockets in .NET 4.5, but as Websockets is a very new part of html5  there are some issues in using it. Now, I have a working client in javascript which communicates with the websockets server. But I need to embed it inside c++ applications written in direct 3d. Your options are:
1. take C# websockets library example from and make a dll for me which I can use in my direct 3d app OR
2. write a c++ code based on the example above and make it compile with my project.
Or any other way you can come up with....Is there any fast solutions?...[Qn from Odesk].

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Posted on: 23/05/2012
If you are going to communicate from a Javascript to a C++ program using sockets from a browser, it may not work because of the security restrictions in the browser. I tried a similar technique using Java and it failed in the past. Most probably this will fail in this scenario too..

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