How it works
Posted Date Unknown Johnson Augustine 6 Comments


 Plz give a detailed description of this , Actually what is the need of this addin ? can we develop android product using MS VS ? any code samples available ? 

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Posted on: 22/05/2012
This addin is similar to what you see in Eclise IDE for Android development.  That is this tool is just an automated environment for helping you to develop Android Applications from Visual studio environment..

Regarding android application development, yes you can develop Android application using this tool. Sample code available in Android SDK is equally applicable for this too..


Posted on: 10/06/2012


Androidstudio ist ein sehr Interessantes Tool.  At the start in Visual Studio 2008 German the program aborts with an error message.

In the debugger, I found the following error line: (connect.cpp   ---   AndroidDotNET::Connect::OnConnection)

CommandBarPopup ^NewCommandBar = dynamic_cast<CommandBarPopup^>(toolsPopup->Controls["New"]);

Unfortunately, I have help from C + + has no experience to myself.

For help or information I would be grateful to see.


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Posted on: 10/06/2012

Can you install AndroidStudio setup and then let me know whether it is working in VisualStudio 2008 . Also let me know the error you reported is compile time error or run time error?

Posted on: 11/06/2012

Install AndroidStudio setup  is ok.

After install AndroidStudio open Visual Studio.

Install AndroidStudio setup  is ok.

After install AndroidStudio open Visual Studio.

After the launch of Visual Studio displays an error message and the Visuall Studio is  no menu entry is created.
In the Add-in Manager of the Visuall Studio addin 'Visual Studio Addin for Android shown Ver 1.0 and is disabled.

Visual Studio error message:
Das Add-In "Visual Studio Addin for Android Ver 1.0 konnte nicht
geladen werden oder hat eine Ausnahme ausgelöst.
Soll dieses Add-In entfernt werden?
Wenn Sie auf Ja klicken, wird die Datei
("C: ProgramDataMicrosoftVisualStudio9.0AddinsAndroidDot
NET.Addln") umbenannt, aus der das Add-In geladen wurde.

Fehlermeldung: <Unbekannter Fehler. >
Fehlernummer: 80131502



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Posted on: 11/06/2012
1. Please uninstall the addin first
2. Watch this youtube AndroidStudio how to video below..

3. Then install the addin again..


Posted on: 11/06/2012
See also the AndroidStudio System requirement link below..


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